Letter from the Editors
Bringing Our Best into Being
Dear Friends,
When we struggle with uncertainty and our anger, our pain and our fears get the best of us, we limit the possibilities in our lives. We know this is true, but how do we handle the anger and the fears? How do we see through them? Read Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's clear and inspiring guidance in the excerpt below from a webcast series on The Healing Power of Your Breath, from 2017, archived on the CyberSangha website.
Lots to look forward to at Ligmincha in 2024! Read Rob Patzig's letter for a sneak preview of coming attractions.
We have exciting news! The Voice of Clear Light newsletter is getting an upgrade, a new website! Not only will it be more functional, but also attractive, easy to navigate, more mobile friendly. And it will still feature the important beautiful content that we all enjoy. We hope to launch with our February issue. Looking forward!
More news and events at Ligmincha:
- Upcoming Annual Winter Retreat: Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 4 (prerequisite Parts 1-3) December 26, 2023- January 1, 2024, to be held both in person at Serenity Ridge and on Zoom.
- See Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's upcoming teaching schedule.
- Tummo Practice Retreat in January with Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso, at Serenity Ridge and on Zoom.
- View upcoming CyberSangha events.
- Starting soon! Ligmincha Learning online course on Meditation, Breath and Movement with Alejandro Chaoul-Reich begins December 1.
- Announcing the new schedule of GlideWing online courses for 2024.
- "Sacred Interviews" is a new free online event series.
- Join The 3 Doors December 2 and 3 for an online retreat with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on Self-Transformation. Plus learn more about the 3 Doors Academies starting in 2024.
- From the VOCL archives, we share an article from December 2006 with two students' reflections about their life-changing experiences while on retreat.
- In the Student and Teacher article, a student asks about experiencing fear in dissolving the ego.
- Read the Spanish translation for the October VOCL.
In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher