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First in New Free Online Classes Through CyberSangha

Discovering Your True Voice Begins July 20

cybersangha logoCyberSangha is happy to announce free online classes beginning with Discovering Your True Voice, a monthlong meditation course for releasing negative speech patterns, resting in inner silence, and realizing your true voice so you may enrich your life and be of more benefit to others. It will be held on four Wednesdays at 12 p.m. New York time, July 20-August 10, with Aleeze Sattar Moss, via Zoom. It is designed to accompany the Month of Speech in the yearlong online program, Bring Body, Speech & Mind to Life. it is open to all but limited to 21 participants.

Learn more and register

dr moss imageAleeze Sattar Moss, Ph.D., is the associate director of The Myrna Brind Center for Mindfulness at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. She is a certified mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) teacher and teaches mindfulness to the public, patients, health care professionals, medical students and employees in corporate settings. She completed the nine-month 3 Doors Compassoin Project in 2016. She has a doctorate in anthropology and conducts qualitative research on the effects of MBSR on physical and psychological health and has published in peer-reviewed journals.