Letter from the Editors
Prayers for Peace
Dear Friends,
Our hearts go out to all. To Ukraine, to Russia and to the world as we watch this war and crisis change the landscape and lives of so many people. It's very hard to see so much suffering. How do we help and stay open in the midst of this tragedy?
In a recent broadcast during the Interfaith Prayers for World Peace, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche brings perspective and compassion to the difficulties we all are experiencing, reminding us not to judge or criticize in anger, even though these are very natural emotions to feel. Rather, to keep opening our hearts and include everyone in our prayers. We can recognize that peace and love, no matter what religion or what country they are coming from, are universal and we all can come together. When there is suffering, no matter who is suffering, you, or your friend, or your enemy, it is all suffering in samsara.
In this issue:
- Donate to benefit Ukrainian refugees during this time of crisis. Join in prayer sessions for world peace.
- Read Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's teaching on Relating Well to Death and Living Life Fully Now, an excerpt from the fall retreat, 2021.
- Read a related question about not wanting to face the dying process in the Student and Teacher article.
- Attend the Serenity Ridge Summer Retreat with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in person or online June 19-July 2. It will be a practice retreat based on the Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen.
- Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's new book, The Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen, is now available in the Ligmincha Bookstore.
- View Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's upcoming worldwide teaching schedule.
- Check out Ligmincha Learning's online courses. The Five Elements begins April 1; Sherap Chamma begins April 15.
- "Bring Body, Speech & Mind to Life" is a free yearlong CyberSangha program with full moon practice and more.
- Ligmincha Italy announces two upcoming retreats, onsite and on Zoom.
- Read the story of Khyungtrul Rinpoche, one of the "Spiritual Stories of Zhang Zhung."
- GlideWing's next online workshop begins April 30: Tibetan Dream Yoga.
- Volunteers are needed to join our Zoom team.
- Spanish translation link for the February VOCL.
In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher