
Upcoming GlideWing Online Workshops with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

'Awakening the Sacred Body,' 'Nature of Mind' & 'Dream Yoga'

profile tenzin wangyal rinpocheGlideWing is offering three upcoming online workshops in February and March on the topics of “Awakening the Sacred Body,” “Tibetan Meditation: The Nature of Mind” and “Tibetan Dream Yoga."

Each GlideWing workshop allows participants to learn and practice from their own homes, at their own schedule, with personal guidance from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. The online workshops feature:

  • Several weeks of personal guidance and support provided by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, as you work with the practices.
  • Instruction via Internet-based video.
  • No set class times; instructional videos remain available throughout the course.
  • Practice in the comfort of your home, on your own schedule.
  • Easy-to-use course site.

February 6–28, 2021: Awakening the Sacred Body
In this three-week workshop, students will explore and practice the ancient Bön Buddhist teachings of Tibetan yoga. These practices have been used for thousands of years to open and awaken the energy centers and channels of the subtle energy body. They can enhance your physical fitness, mental well-being and spiritual growth. By clearing uncomfortable emotions and other obscurations, they can open the space from which joy, love, compassion and other enlightened qualities spontaneously manifest.
Learn more and view introductory video

March 20–April 11, 2021: Tibetan Meditation: The Nature of Mind
In this three-week workshop with video-based teachings, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche offer a direct introduction to the nature of mind. Rinpoche will guide you through each of the five steps of meditation in the Fivefold Teachings of Dawa Gyaltsen, an eighth century dzogchen meditation master, helping you to enter the state of pure awareness that leads to peace, joy and ultimately, to self-realization.
Learn more and view introductory video

May 1–31, 2021: Tibetan Dream Yoga
Now with Spanish subtitles
It is said that the practice of dream yoga deepens our awareness during all our experience: the dreams of the night, the dreamlike experience of the day and the bardo experiences after death. Indeed, the practice of dream yoga is a powerful tool of awakening, used for hundreds of years by the great masters of the Tibetan traditions. Unlike in the Western psychological approach to dreams, the ultimate goal of Tibetan dream yoga is the recognition of the nature of mind or enlightenment itself. This workshop provides detailed instruction for dream yoga practice, with discussion of the relationships between dreaming and waking and between dreaming and death. Rinpoche also will provide instructions for foundational practices done during the day and for the uses and methods of lucid dreaming.
Learn more/register