
Letter from the Editors

Sending Prayers and Love

Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak RinpocheDear Friends,

Together we share so much. As humans, as Bon practitioners, as part of the Ligmincha International community. We are in this together with trust and refuge in the truth of who we are. We share our daily lives, our ups and downs, our illnesses, and even the births and deaths of those close to us. We also share our compassion and empathy around the world, sending prayers for healing, with our love and wishes for happiness and long life for each other. We can feel this deeply, this heart connection.

When Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche recently heard that his beloved teacher, H.E. Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, was ill he left just a few days later for Nepal so that he could be with him. His devotion and love inspire ours as well. A week later, during Ligmincha's online Global Long Life Prayer Practice for Yongdzin Rinpoche, people from around the world participated in more than a dozen languages, practicing continuously around the clock.

We are thankful to be able to share with all of you that Yongdzin Rinpoche is doing much, much better.

In the teaching excerpt for this issue, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche offers us guidance on some important things in life in his unique, knowing and perceptive way. Enjoy and take heart!!

Lots more to share in this issue:

In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher