TWR blue redTwo Special Retreats with Tenzin Rinpoche on Zoom in October

‘Serenity Ridge Dialogues: Body, Breath & Mind’ and ‘Fall Retreat: The Five Elements’

Join us online via Zoom for two special online retreats in October. Starting October 10, join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, leading scientists and physicians for dialogues related to body, breath and mind. The annual fall retreat on the topic of “The Five Elements” begins October 21. Both retreats are sponsored by Serenity Ridge Retreat Center and Ligmincha International, and all are welcome.

October 10–12, 2020: Serenity Ridge Dialogues: Body, Breath & Mind

SR Dialogues photo spaceWhen we bring our attention to our body, our breath and our mind, what happens and why? How does our relationship to sensations, thoughts and perceptions change through spiritual or energetic practices? Can science and medicine inform what and how we practice? Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, leading scientists, physicians and practitioners for deep conversations on these and other questions at the intersection of scientific and spiritual knowledge about body, breath and mind.

Medicine, philosophy, neuroscience, physiology, yoga and other movement-based and contemplative traditions are at the heart of this event. The symposium begins with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche guiding meditation and then talking with Daniel Aitkin, CEO of Wisdom Publications – one of the event’s cosponsors—about the role that our embodied, breathing being has on mind and spirit, and vice versa.

Each session the following two days includes a presentation on recent scientific or medical findings, a moderated discussion, and time for questions and answers. Meditation and movement practices reflecting what is being discussed are interspersed throughout each day. This event builds and expands on the science and spirituality conferences that Ligmincha International has hosted since 2010. Registration is expected to open by August 15.

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October 21–25, 20: Fall Retreat on The Five Elements

ElementsAccording to the ancient Tibetan spiritual traditions, our planet is alive and sacred. The five natural elements – earth, water, fire, air and space – can be considered fundamental aspects of a living universe. All of our experiences, from the sensations of the physical body to the emotions to the most fleeting of thoughts, are said to be composed entirely of these five elements in interaction.

Rinpoche will guide us in connecting with the elements to support us in internalizing their essential vital qualities. Through practices and meditation, we will be guided to retrieve and deeply connect with the elemental essences and to nourish and restore health and vitality. Registration is expected to open by August 15.

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