Letter from the Editors
Presence Heals
Dear Friends,
It is a difficult time for so many people due to the increasing spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19. How do we handle the new situations arising without fear or panic? In a recent webcast Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche advised everyone to reflect on their lives and to be mindful of your fear – because “fear is absolutely the immediate manifestation of ignorance.”
Rinpoche reminds us that we need to look at all that we are doing and where our actions are coming from, because as he emphasized, “It’s a question of doing the right thing from the right place.” You can find the excerpt from his March 15 Facebook Live webcast below along with links to the meditation practice that Rinpoche led, including the SA LE Ö mantra.
And as always, Rinpoche sends his prayers to all those who are sick or who are affected by this situation, and encourages all of us to offer our prayers and dedications to all those in need. We all need to stay connected as a community; there will be more opportunities on Zoom and Facebook, and even though Rinpoche is now on sabbatical and personal retreat, he will connect whenever he can.
Just announced on cybersangha.net, these upcoming broadcasts:
March 26: Being Playful with Your Fear
March 28: Dancing with Your Fear
March 29: Music from the Heart
April 1: Prayers and Rituals for Healing (check cybersangha.net soon)
There are many announcements and happenings to report at Ligmincha International:
- Read Rinpoche's letter about his change in plans for his sabbatical and the cancellation of European retreats due to concern about the coronavirus and travel restrictions.
- The upcoming Spring Retreat formerly planned at Serenity Ridge will now be held as an online retreat April 3–5. Everyone is welcome! See details below.
- Note the changes in the latest dates and locations for Rinpoche's worldwide teaching schedule from April through August. See below and on Ligmincha's website.
- Have you attended any of the Full-Moon Sherap Chamma practices held though Zoom? Find out how you can be a part of this collective group practice. Details below and on cybersangha.net.
- Check out Ligmincha Learning's website remake! So lovely and easy to use, and it NOW offers courses with subtitles in languages other than English. See all the details below.
- Two new amazing mandalas are now at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in the Kunzang Khang building.
- Ligmincha Learning's next online course, “The Five Elements” with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, begins April 11.
- Enjoy our latest International Sangha Sharing featuring a poem by Italy's Alexander Pincin Yungdrung Dawa.
- The next GlideWing online workshop is “Tibetan Meditation” beginning June 27. (Previously listed courses for March and May have been rescheduled.)
- The 3 Doors announces a growing number of online courses.
- Student and Teacher – Together on the Path is a regular feature of VOCL. Rinpoche answers a question about what to do when you feel burned out.
- View the translation of the February VOCL in Spanish.
In Bön,
Aline and Jeff Fisher