Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's Worldwide Teaching ScheduleTWR2icon

Upcoming Teachings for August–October 2018

Rinpoche’s 2018 teaching schedule by date and location is available on the Ligmincha International website

The schedule includes Rinpoche’s in-person teachings at Ligmincha International retreat centers or other locations throughout the world. It also includes his online teachings offered through Ligmincha Learning and GlideWing, plus information about free TWR LIVE teachings offered regularly through Rinpoche’s Facebook page. 

Here is a list of Rinpoche’s retreats and presentations in six countries during the months of August through October. The online schedule will be updated as teachings are added or revised.

Aug. 10–12: Helsinki, Finland: The True Source of Healing
Aug. 11–Sept. 2: GlideWing online course: Tibetan Sound Healing
Aug. 17–Sept. 22: Ligmincha Learning online course: The Three Heart Mantras
Aug. 14–19: Wilga, Poland: Dzogchen Teachings of Tapihritsa
Aug. 21–26: Buchenau, Germany: Twenty-One Nails, Part 4
Sept. 7–9: Budapest, Hungary: The Practice of the Six Lokas
Sept. 14–16: Seoul, Korea: The Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Sept. 29–Oct. 28: GlideWing online course: Awakening the Sacred Arts
Oct. 16–21: Serenity Ridge Shipman, Virginia: Powa: The Transference of Consciousness
Oct. 25: San Jose, CA: Science & Nonduality (SAND) Conference, The Science and Mystery of Being         Human

Schedule by date
Schedule by location